
Introduction and Welcome

Greetings! Welcome to From the Suburbs, Naturally. So, why are you here? Or more properly put, why does this "place" exist? The short answer to the latter question is that I have a deep and abiding love of and respect for nature. I hope that the answer to the first is that you share these feelings.

I'll have to start with a little about myself. I know this is boring so I'll try to make it quick and painless. Since childhood I have been fascinated with life in all of its forms, and with the environments that life inhabits. I always had pets. My old man constructed a "bug box" for me from a couple of boards and leftover screen from our back porch, and countless childhood hours were happily passed collecting and observing specimens. I did the Boy Scout thing beginning with Tiger Cubs and ending (for now) when I left town for college. I've always spent a lot of time outdoors, and whenever possible I've tried to observe, understand, and categorize the living things I've encountered there. I now make my home in downtown Silver Spring, MD and have brought my curiosity and the inclination to get outside with me. Along with my small family (my girlfriend Laurel and our Beagle-Basset mix, Franklin) I explore the out-of-doors (in the Greater Washington Area and beyond).

I've decided to start sharing the things I see and learn with friends, family, and whoever happens to stumble across this blog by happy accident. A secondary goal here is to eventually become a useful source of information to someone, somewhere. I've got no delusions that many people will be interested in each and every creature I come across, but if one person one day learns something from this blog then it will have done its job.

And yes - there will be photos.

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